
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Possible tyre rule changes ahead of 2008

Some formula one power brokers are pushing for a tweak to the tyreregulations for 2008, according to German reports. The specialistmagazine Auto Motor und Sport said on Monday that, to spice up theracing and strategy options, a more assorted selection of tyrecompounds could be offered by Bridgestone at each grand prix.Currently, the two compounds made available to teams at races arefairly similar -- for instance, this weekend in Hungary, each drivermust use both the 'soft' and the white-branded 'super soft' during theHungarian grand prix. But some team bosses are reportedly arguing thatvarying the tyre options available - for example, the 'super soft' andthe 'medium' in Hungary - would lead to a more mixed jumble of paceand a higher prospect of in-race passing.Auto Motor und Sport claims that the smaller teams are championing theidea, but that their more competitive rivals are not overly keen.Bridgestone is also thought to be resisting, as implementing theproposal properly for 2008 would probably involve tweaking itsexisting range of tyre compounds at some cost.

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