
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Singapore to host first F1 night race

The inaugural Singapore grand prix will indeed be the first everformula one race to be staged at night. Following the breakdown ofBernie Ecclestone's night race talks with Melbourne, the localnewspaper Today clarified that Singapore organisers are still keen toflood-light the 2008 event in September.The FIA did not confirm the news, but its provisional calendar fornext year lists the Singapore street course as 'subject to circuitapproval'. The Singapore GP's communications director JonathanHallett, meanwhile, said race organisers and corporate partners are"in full support of a night race", Today wrote.Melbourne promoters were worried that spectators would not attend anight race but Hallett said the idea "makes sense" for Singapore.Referring to Singapore's scorching tropical climate, he saidspectators "will find it more comfortable" .But he cautioned: "We will carry out a night race only if the FIA andFormula One Administration find that the safety of drivers andspectators is not compromised. "

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